Our insureds and agents stay connected and in control with access to real-time data with actionable insights through dashboards, reporting, and analytics.

Origami Risk® Advantage

Our partnership with Origami Risk provides an industry-leading, unified platform for policy, billing and claims administration. Our advanced technology from Origami Risk offers:

  • Superior claims management
  • Real-time data analytics and transparency
  • Policy issuance and management
  • Better and faster underwriting decisions
  • Automated billing administration
  • Digital engagement with insureds

Our team’s deft use of their experience of looking forward – not backward – provides individual account underwriting to match premiums to actual operations and loss history, not just industry averages.

Consultative claims management with dedicated adjusters and single-point-of-contact oversight.

At Adroit our claims team is an integral part of our underwriting process. What matters to you, matters to us. Our collaborative approach to program design and a perpetual commitment to quality gives you the power to achieve your risk management goals.

ESIS’ best practices are implemented throughout our organization to drive consistent, high-quality claims handling.